Realizing Improvement through
Team Empowerment (RITE)
This course is for project teams interested in addressing a complex problem with a multidisciplinary team. Team size is recommended to be 4-6 people. This course is virtual except for an in-person graduation ceremony held in Palo Alto, CA
Examples of past project teams include:
Quality and Safety: Reducing Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections in the ICU
Patient Experience: Increasing Access for New Patient Visits in High Demand Specialties
Engagement and Wellness: Decreasing Inbox Burden for Outpatient Care Teams
Financial Strength: Eliminating Medical Waste in Pediatric Anesthesiology
Must be part of a project team
20 hours of classroom time over 20 weeks. An additional 20-30 hours is required for project work.
No cost for Stanford Medicine participants
Reach out in the form here to learn more about the course.