Resource Network
Resource network of key contacts, initiatives, and resources within Stanford and beyond who can help you on your QI journey.
The aims to be the evaluation partner of choice in developing, evaluating, and implementing healthcare delivery innovations to optimize healthcare for patients, families, providers, and payers
The Improvement Team offers coaching for quality improvement and capability improvement efforts.
Stanford Health Care focuses on researching and improving healthcare quality as well as implementing evidence-based practice.
This group works on quality and performance Improvement.
These teams work on providing safe and effective patient care. They also work to facilitate environment to promote nurse expertise.
These programs offer foundational training for quality and performance improvement.
This institute works to ensure the effective and efficient conduct of clinical research. It provides research training workshops as a resource for all clinicians and allied health investigators.
This program offers a pathway to submit new projects in quality and performance improvement, coaching for new teams prior to submission, and participation in a Value Learning Collaboration
This is Primary Care specific and helps participants gain experience in quality improvement.
This is a monthly virtual open meeting for improvement professionals.
This is a joint program run by the SHC Department of Quality and SOM aimed to support development and execution of department-specific quality improvement projects.
This is an online virtual training programs on improvement, safety, and many others
An improvement training program run by Cincinnati Children's.
An initiative to advance the uptake of evidence-based practice into new clinical settings. Participation in the program intends to lay the groundwork for future improvement work to integrate EBPs.