Promising Strategies to Support COVID-19 Vaccination of HealthCare Personnel

May 9th, 2023

Insights from the Veteran Health Administration National Implementation As with any innovation, particularly one that is complex and early in terms of stage of evidence, we need real implementation strategies for later adopters; having the expectation that some HCP will delay vaccination gives implementers, facility leaders, and policy makers an appropriate orientation of needing to continue to allocate resources, time, and expertise to adoption facilitation over time.

Karleen Giannitrapani

Research Focus: In contrast to bounded teams with static membership, dynamic teaming reflects the common challenge of interdisciplinary healthcare teams with changing rosters. Such dynamic collaboration is critical to addressing multi-faceted problems and individualizing care. At present, off-the-shelf interventions to improve the way healthcare teams work - often assume static and bounded teams. Dr. Giannintrapani intends to leverage design approaches to build a new kind of healthcare “teaming intervention,” which respects the nature of their constantly changing membership and more closely aligns with how healthcare teams actually collaborate. Expertise: Her expertise includes organizational behavior, building interdisciplinary teams, implementation science, mixed methods-research, quality improvement, pain and palliative care research, and global health. Positions: She is an Instructor in the Division of Primary Care and Population Health at Stanford University School of Medicine and a Core Investigator at the Center for Innovation to Implementation (Ci2i) in the VA Palo Alto Health Care System where She is a PI or co-investigator on multiple ongoing studies representing over 25 million dollars of competitive government grant funding. She also is a Director of the VA Quality Improvement Resource Center (QuIRC) for Palliative Care, supporting Geriatrics and Extended Care programs for 170 Veterans Affairs facilities nationally. In QuIRC she leads a portfolio of projects on improving the processes that interdisciplinary teams can leverage to improve pain and symptom management among high-risk patients; specifically I’m aiming to bridge the gap of poor palliative care integration in the perioperative period. Accomplishments: She has over 50 peer reviewed publications in high quality medical and health services delivery journals such as Medical Care, JAMA Surgery, the Journal of General Internal Medicine, the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management and Pain Medicine. She recently received a 5-year VA Career Development Award on building better teams across disciplines and is an American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Research Scholar for related work.

Lauren Fulton

I am a Creative Director and Designer with 10 years of experience. My true passion lies in helping small to medium size brands discover who they are, and how they can make an impact through design.

I work across a spectrum of mediums including UX design, web design, branding, packaging, and photography/illustration art direction. I work with start-ups and medium-sized brands from fashion to blockchain and beyond.

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